Does this tool work for children with learning disabilities?
Yes, the Star Spacer has been used and shown effective for children with learning disabilities. For some students, writing is challenging because they have to think about many things at once. These thoughts include, but are not limited to: “What do I want to say with my writing?,” “How do I spell that word?,” and “How do I form that letter and which way do I need to turn the letter?” At the same time, the child needs to be thinking about the size of the letter, positioning it along the line, and finally, putting a space after each word. This requires a lot of processing and planning from the child, and when there is a problem in any of these areas, it sometimes leads to messy handwriting. The Star Spacer helps by alleviating the “thinking and remembering” about letter sizing, alignment, and spacing after each word, so the child can focus on the ideas that he is trying to put on the paper.
Are there any children that this tool would not help?
Your child needs to have an understanding of writing. If your child is just learning to write but doesn’t yet have a grasp on writing, the Star Spacer probably isn’t needed. It is common for young children who are just learning to write to produce large letters, letters that are formed incorrectly, and letters that are positioned in random places. Exploration of letters and words is part of learning. In this case, your child may need more time to learn letter formation and to develop his or her handwriting. However, if your child is copying or has learned to form most letters, however, struggles with spacing, sizing, and alignment, the tool is very likely to help.
How long does it take for the Star Spacer to work?
Well, it depends on the student. However, the Star Spacer has shown to have immediate results for many children. If your student understands handwriting and is motivated to improve his handwriting, the Star Spacer will/is likely to help.
How long does it take a student to “graduate” from using the Star Spacer?
Again, it depends on the child, and it is difficult to give a specific amount of time. The Star Spacer helps students to begin to “see” how their writing should look. It also works by building their confidence when they realize that they CAN produce handwriting that others can read. And often, that has been a motivator to help children start to write more legibly without the tool. The recommendation would be that, after a period of writing with the spacer, your child would begin writing a sentence using the spacer and then try the spacing on their own as they neared the end of the sentence. You can also help by prompting your child to “inspect” his or her writing. Using a highlighter and prompting your child to find the spacing , sizing and alignment errors for himself or herself helps build the skills necessary, over time, to know what to look for and to check written work independently.
Can I purchase with a PO from my school or organization?
Yes, please email the purchase order to or fax to 252-792-1002.
Do you sell in large quantities to schools?
Yes, we can sell in larger quantities. Please email us to request special pricing for large quantities.
Will you ship to anywhere in the U.S.?
Yes. We have a $3.75 flat-rate fee for shipping anywhere within the U.S. We also ship outside the U.S. for a flat rate of $4.50.
Can I get my money back if I am not satisfied?
Yes, you can. This product was developed to help children improve their ability to produce legible handwriting and to build their confidence. Our desire is that your child will show success with the Star Spacer and that you will both be excited and happy with the results. However, if you are not satisfied, please contact us, and we will make arrangements to refund your purchase price.